World Press Freedom Day 2014: Prioritize and Protect Journalists Media Independence



Jakarta (07/04/2014) – During cooling off period of the legislative elections which will be on April 9th 2014, give an opportunity to all the people of Indonesia who have the right to choose to use the time to do reflection, consideration and selection according dropping heart and a clear mind.

Serikat Perusahaan Pers (SPS) Jakarta as an organization consisting of 470 company publisher the press (media) in Indonesia, are part of civil society has a duty consciously join together to guard the democratic process of this legislative elections 2014.

SPS guard expressed support for the democracy party legislative elections to proceed smoothly, safely, and peaceful.

SPS support through:

  1. To all the Election organizers: General Election Commission (KPU) at the central, province, district and city, The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu), and the Honor Council Election (DKPP), SPS congratulate tasks performance for the nation.
  2. To All political parties and candidates participating in the election, SPS proclaims the win sympathy and support to the people in a democratic climate that already increasingly mature and adult.
  3. To 6607 candidates who eligible to compete for 560 seats in the House of Representatives, 945 DPD candidates who will fill the 132 seats of DPD, as well as hundreds of thousands of candidates for the 2137 provincial council seats, and 17.560 District seats / Town, SPS urged to always consider the interests of nation and country above all else. Win or lose in a competition is fair, ready to accept defeat is a form of tough identity, is not excessive in addressing the victory is a manifestation of the personality wisely.
  4. To all the people of Indonesia who have the right to vote, KPU data shows that there are 186.6 million people have the right to vote , SPS invites all elements of society to use their constitutional rights by coming to each polling station and participate in the democratic party by using the right voting according conscience of each free and independent .
  5. To the first voters aged 17-25 years in the general election in 2014 was 53 million voters (close to 30 % of the total number of voters), SPS provide moral support to all voters. Use a constitutional right possessed, because the future of the nation and the country is also determined from the sound that you provide in the next election. Learning democracy by participating in the elections is a form of early maturity citizens.
  6. To all candidates elected will both central (DPR) and the Provincial and Regency / City (DPRD and Regency / City ) SPS leave a message for elected legislature always taking care of press freedom as a tangible implementation of the sovereignty of the people in Indonesia . Press freedom climate that has entered into 15 years should continue to be patient. Because in a democratic system, and the media got a big role for the development and progress of society .
  7. Freedom of the press should be treated for freedom of the press as an important element in this democratic countries, to ensure transparency, realizing human rights, prevent corruption collusion and nepotism, as well as professional and open press should be controlled by the community.

Press freedom is realized through the role played by the national press, one related to the election is the role of the press in monitoring, criticism, corrections, and suggestions on issues related to the public interest.

Anyone who later was elected as a member legislative, the press will always present to conduct surveillance, criticism, corrections and suggestions for the benefit of society at large, including guarding the legislature to be able to fulfill their promise, the next more productive in following the proceedings to produce a variety of products legislation.

We asked the candidates and the entire community to work together to take care of press freedom as the foundation for the establishment of civil liberty.

Welcome to party democracy for the betterment of the nations and the state .

Greetings Press Freedom